Whatever your skills and interests, you can get involved in positive activities that bring people together

You could simply come along to an event, sign up for an activity, or even hold your own community event. This could be a social evening, a craft club or a trip. You could also volunteer for our Steering Group, Grants Panel or come and help out at an event that someone else is running. It’s up to you how much and what you can do. 

Please take a look at our different opportunities to offer support and get involved in our wonderful project:

General project volunteer

Steering Group Member

We have lots of different  projects running across all age ranges, so it should be possible to find the right thing for you, or you could get inspired to start something new with neighbours or friends. We can offer support and help to develop your skills and advise you on training opportunities

Volunteering opportunities

Community Allotment Volunteers
We need volunteers for the Community Allotment in Town Lane.
If you can spare some time to help dig over the plots, do some planting or make raised beds- dig for Stanwell! Please join our Facebook page for all the regular updates: Stanwell Community Allotments